Slings and Arrows
Posted: 13 October 2003 Word Count: 100 Summary: To be posted on writewords or not to be posted on writewords... that is the question.
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A warm place, a loaded gun A suicidal conundrum: Sitting here I am at peace (Gripping tightly this polished piece) And very soon all problems will cease But then so will I. That’s one in the eye For all those I owe But one in the stones For all those I know And love. A quandary, a groan, Dirty laundry and a bar of soap. But no will to wash it clean. (Aye, there’s the rub a dub, dub.) Now nothing’s as it seems So I’ll just sit still and wait some In a warm place, with a loaded gun.
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olebut at 15:04 on 13 October 2003
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is it something about poets that requires us all to write about suicide I have written a number of poems on this subject some are posted on here.
Perhaps it is not just our own thoughts when feeling very low but the emotional blackness and finality of the subject that appeals to our creative sleves.
a few suggestions but purley based on my style
I think you should consider removing the capitals at the start of each line, where no preceeding full stop and possibly lengthening the lines i.e
[/] A warm place, a loaded gun a suicidal conundrum:
Sitting here I am at peace
(Gripping tightly this polished piece)
very soon all problems will cease, but then so will I.
That’s one in the eye for all those I owe,
but one in the stones for all those I know.
but again these are only my suggestions
I hope that the poem only reflects a poetic view o a situation and is not more personal. If the later I hope that posting it helps life does seem to go on and writing I find certainly helps
take care
sory I realised after pressing the submit button that I ha dnot mentioned what a fine piece this is
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Barney at 22:59 on 15 October 2003
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Thank you David. I have never in my life felt like this... thankfully it is all just dramatic licence! Your comments are, as ever, appreciated.
One thing. I know it's a typo, but please don't change it - I love the idea of creative sleeves! There's a poem there somewhere!
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olebut at 08:13 on 16 October 2003
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I am very pleased you haven't but pehrpas that makes your poem even more effective as you have managed to go to this dark place in your mind only.
as for the creative sleeves perhpas we all slide them overto hide our true selves
take care
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spud at 13:18 on 17 October 2003
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Once again you've written a piece that, although I know is a serious subject, I think you've managed to add a touch of black humour to, and it really does appeal.
In answer to the question you posed - the answer is a resounding yes.
More please
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