Bessy asks for help
Posted: 07 April 2003 Word Count: 382 Summary: Bessy is a little girl who lives with her mother, father and siblings.When trouble starts she turns to the only person who she knows will help her. |
Bessy lived with her parents and older brother and sister on their corn farm in Texas. Bessy , being the youngest member of the family, helped her father pick the corn and sell them at the market. One day, when bessy's father went out to the corn, he noticed that there were lots of bugs eating at the corn. There had been bugs before, but today there was more. Bessy's father ran to the house and woke her bother and sister up, to help him get rid of the bugs.
They had based their lives on growing corn and it had always profitted them and given them everything they ever needed.They started to chse the bugs, but to no avail.The bugs just kept on coming back. Bessy, who was inside, heard her father shouting and went out to see what all the comotion was about. She ran to the corn field and tried to help her father chase the bugs away.
They tried and they tried, but was not successful. It was evening time, and they still hadn't got rid of the bugs. It was their Sabbath night and they had toi go into the house to worship. They all had different nights to lead the family in prayer and tonight it was Bessy's turn.
She knelt down at the foot of the table and joined hands with her family. She knew that she had to do something to help save the corn. So she started to pray to God for help:
" Heavenly father, will you please make the nasty bugs go away. They are making everyone sad. Please father, help us to save our corn. We love you Jsus, amen."
When Bessy was finished she got up and ran out the door, she was confident that Jesus would make the bugs go away. And he did make the bugs go away. When everyone was outside they saw a large flock of birds come from the sky and they went straight to the corn field. The birds started eating at the bugs. A few minutes later they were gone and so were the birds.
" Thank you Jesus" Bessy said.
They all went back inside where Bessy's father lead the family in prayer again, thanking God for helping them through this time of trouble.
They had based their lives on growing corn and it had always profitted them and given them everything they ever needed.They started to chse the bugs, but to no avail.The bugs just kept on coming back. Bessy, who was inside, heard her father shouting and went out to see what all the comotion was about. She ran to the corn field and tried to help her father chase the bugs away.
They tried and they tried, but was not successful. It was evening time, and they still hadn't got rid of the bugs. It was their Sabbath night and they had toi go into the house to worship. They all had different nights to lead the family in prayer and tonight it was Bessy's turn.
She knelt down at the foot of the table and joined hands with her family. She knew that she had to do something to help save the corn. So she started to pray to God for help:
" Heavenly father, will you please make the nasty bugs go away. They are making everyone sad. Please father, help us to save our corn. We love you Jsus, amen."
When Bessy was finished she got up and ran out the door, she was confident that Jesus would make the bugs go away. And he did make the bugs go away. When everyone was outside they saw a large flock of birds come from the sky and they went straight to the corn field. The birds started eating at the bugs. A few minutes later they were gone and so were the birds.
" Thank you Jesus" Bessy said.
They all went back inside where Bessy's father lead the family in prayer again, thanking God for helping them through this time of trouble.
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