Ask Mr. Fry?
Posted: 19 September 2007 Word Count: 172 Summary: A rant - not great poetry - a summer spent reading stuff I cannot relate to and looking at whoopi art!
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I blame Rothko he of the huge canvas cavernous blackness and blood red after him the real whoopiness began copulating neon signs fifty feet across sheep in formaldehyde, banal video, repetitious film, even the filthy sheets from an AIDS victim.
Awe and wonder took to the streets in black leather touting originality proclaiming it ‘theatre’ and yet still we applaud?
‘Submissions:- forefront thinking is what we want don’t send us worn out ideas’.
We all want to be acknowledged five minutes of fame? To associate ourselves with ‘the innovative and the new’
So it is summer, time to read New Magazines boasting the successes of the already successful.
Hopeful for the image that stops the breath I found myself in a labyrinth of writing searching for direction; finding none, poetry without form writing without sense disappointment, anger such an inadequate search for inspiration.
Who decides this is poetry or art, is it genius or connection; might it just be who you know? Might it be time to give up?
Ask Mr Fry.
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Ticonderoga at 11:04 on 19 September 2007
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BIG stuff!! Excellent.......though, perhaps, almost too much for one medium sized 'pome' to take..............
me being thick - which Mr Fry? Stephen?! or Roger (more likely)? or someone else?
Rather like my poem that you've just read, I think there may be two in here.....
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Zettel at 13:52 on 19 September 2007
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nice rant Tina
you can always rely on Mr Fry to stir things up...
sorry about that
If you find
the image that stops the breath |
be sure to post. however rare, it happens.
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V`yonne at 15:53 on 19 September 2007
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might it be who you know?
Might it just be time to give up? |
Well it's no one I know for sure and it may well be time to give up...especially on the poetry side...
me not you :)
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joanie at 19:00 on 19 September 2007
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Hi Tina. I love the opening and closing lines! I like the quotes, too in italics. I can just picture that one.
I'm with Mike on 'Mr Fry'. My initial reaction was Stephen, but I feel like I ought to do a bit of research, which can't be a bad thing!
boasting the successes of the already successful |
| exactly!!
This is a great rant, Tina! Heart-felt and true.
typo: disappointment
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Tina at 09:29 on 20 September 2007
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Hello all and thanks for your comments, I think it does us all good to have a rant now and again
Joanie I think you should start charging for proofreading typos - you are excellent thanks. (have changed it now). The quotes were real - sent to me this summer by a well known magazine.
Vyonne now no giving up - nil desperandum!
Mike - I think you might be right - maybe I'll have a sterio rant! Zettle for poems that stop the breath I go to Mary Oliver or Anne Sexton or Ted Kooser but hey - I'm just an old fashioned working girl lacking in original ideas (rant rant). Or what about this piece from Billy Collins ?
But all they want to do
is tie the poem to a chair with rope
and torture a confession out of it
They begin beating it with a hose
to find out what it really means |
I am sure he wont mind this direct quote being used for 'Arts' sake!!!!!
AND now to the Fry question - well sorry to disappoint you all - but it was Stephen Fry I had in mind - he of the poetry book on how to do it or not to do it - bearning in mind that a classical education at a 'good' school and the right connections will help! (more ranting)!
I think I best go now and have a lie down
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James Graham at 22:15 on 20 September 2007
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'Poetry without form', 'writing without sense' - cultural pollution. There's a frightening amount of it on the internet. (Not, of course, on WW.) And 'forefront thinking'?...bollocks. When you rant about visual art, though, I do have a few wee reservations - not about the examples you choose, e.g. the sheep or some wearisome art videos I've seen a few seconds of, but about some other contemporary stuff, conceptual art, installations, that sort of thing. Some of that's ok, I think.
'Copulating neon signs fifty feet across' - what 'art' work is that? That I would like to see. On second thoughts, maybe not.
As for Mr Fry - as Bismarck said, 'Das ist der Mann!'
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Tina at 22:33 on 20 September 2007
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Hi James and thanks for your post
Copulating neon signs - seen in the Stedelijk Amsterdam not so very long ago - Amsterdam - where else?? But don't et me wronmg I love modern art and some of the more unusual stuff but some things well they just leave me cold - that's what I am saying.
As for the poetry - when you read soemthing you can't understand you wonder who it is written for?
Mr Fry? Well, I guess he IS the man!
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Zettel at 13:54 on 21 September 2007
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One demur to James
I think most of what Damien Hirst does now is simply corporate art. He's the late Pink Pink Floyd of aesthetics. He's a money machine. And the diamond skull is simply an obscenity.
However, the one piece of his that did have a enormouos impact on me when I saw it was almost his first well know piece - the sheep in formaldehyde. If thats the sheep you mean, I disagree - that was an extraordinary work of art. I don't know if you ever saw it but this absolutely perfect sheep captured, frozen for ever in an attitude of springing in the air carried all the implied kinetic energy of a real animal. Absolutely everything was there, the sense of movement, all the visual signals of 'sheepness' - the 'only' thing that was missing was LIFE. The impact of that was very powerful and as one who is at least a sceptical as the rest of you to much of modern 'art', I have to say this piece did resonate. Then of course he went on to do the same the same thing again and again with sharks etc etc. That seemed pointless to me. But that sheep was bloody amazing.
Tacey Emin's tent now......
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Jordan789 at 16:38 on 21 September 2007
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I don't have time to offer a full close reading. However the Fry that came to my mind was Northrop Frye, sorry for the different spelling, and don't mind me ignoring the obvious mis-credit, however he wrote a book called Understanding Literary Criticism, or some such, where he writes a real, real lot on the art of criticism. Anyway, yeah. I'll be back to give a closer inspection.
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