Caught on the Horn
Posted: 25 March 2007 Word Count: 133 Summary: When I read Bandy's piece It flashed into my mind, what if..
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“Hello Darling…yes.. tonight?” Emma cooed into her mobile.
“I’m sorry…I don’t understand. You want me to do WHO? But..no…can’t..” there was a long pause whilst she listened and gathered her ire.
“NOW JUST WAIT A MINUTE!” she shrieked to the airwaves when she could stand no more. “You promised I would never have to DO anyone again! It’s true, I can’t stand that ancient Sicilian pipsqueak - he reeks of garlic and oozes oil. But why would I want to..?” she paused and listened some more.
“What..make it worth my while, eh? How exactly? Well…that does seem very generous – pounds not euros I take it? Well….”
The offer was more than generous. She could always slip back into the old ways for just one more night? Maybe - just one more pop?
Comments by other Members
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JenDom at 17:42 on 25 March 2007
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Vitto hasn't a chance! Good for Emma! Great "what if" to Bundy's piece. Gives Emma some oomph!
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Bandy Bundy at 09:18 on 26 March 2007
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No apologies needed Forbes,
You've put a different slant on my piece with this. Emma was an innocent (as in the woman from Indecent Proposal) but after reading your flash I can see how thoroughly bad they both are.
Emma and her man deserve each other with Vito in the middle.
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Forbes at 12:13 on 26 March 2007
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Thanks Kev
In view of what's just happened with JenDom (!) I was worried that I might have stepped on toes and offended.
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Bandy Bundy at 13:49 on 26 March 2007
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Actually Forbes - you've paid me a compliment. As Jen rightly pointed out to me this morning.
I mean Emma even had Forbes getting all creative and inspired - that's a great sign for any writer!! |
Taken from the body of her WWM - Hope you don't mind Jen as this made me smile.
You BOTH have great enthusiasm for writing which is what this site is all about.
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Forbes at 15:39 on 26 March 2007
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HMMM And I thought JenDom liked me!!!!!
I'm glad you perceive it was a compliment.
Don't worry I'm not offended!
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Bandy Bundy at 16:08 on 26 March 2007
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Hey Forbes,
Don't you go gettin' all maligned as well. :)
We was just shootin' the breeze and it was Jens way of sending me a compliment after I said we'd all miss her fine writing if she left.
What I've read of yours has been just as good and enjoyable to read.
You wont believe this, I know, but a little over a year ago I hadn't written a stitch. Since joining WW I've finished the 1st draft of a 25,000 word children's book, have three others on the go and.......
...have learnt to limit my use of adverbs and adjectives by flashing, well I like to think so but it's not always the case. ;) In fact I'd never heard of Flash Fiction before joining WW.
That's why, and I truly mean this, I have the utmost respect for anybody who has a go in FF1 and FFToo. Your piece has given me an alternate window into mine which has changed (for the better) how I view other peoples writing.
So cheers and keep up the good work.
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