A Pain so Deep
Posted: 21 September 2003 Word Count: 238 |
A pain too much to bear,
A pain, oh, so deep,
The pain of a broken heart.
No sooner can the days end,
No longer can the nights last.
Millions of minutes,
Ticking slowly off the day,
Into an endless eternity.
Sleep is corrupted,
Too much on your mind,
So much to ponder.
You stay up all night wondering,
But sleep never comes.
Sometimes you cry yourself to sleep,
Thinking about times passed,
And all of the good things,
Wishing everything was still the same.
But even when that sleep comes, it is not a long rest.
You go through your days like a zombie,
Never thinking of anything but her.
Like being in a dream world,
Lost deep in thought.
Never able to concentrate.
She takes control of your mind.
Thinking of all the wonderful times together,
The pain is just too great,
Nothing can compare.
A physical wound would be welcome, much more manageable than this pain.
Your heart feels as if it's being torn to pieces,
But you still love her.
The love was too strong to deny,
Even though it is over,
She is still all you think about.
So many tears cried,
And nights washed away with tears.
The pain is unbearable,
Yet you must go on,
And must keep hope that she will come back.
A pain too much to bear,
A pain, oh, so deep,
The pain of a broken heart.
A pain, oh, so deep,
The pain of a broken heart.
No sooner can the days end,
No longer can the nights last.
Millions of minutes,
Ticking slowly off the day,
Into an endless eternity.
Sleep is corrupted,
Too much on your mind,
So much to ponder.
You stay up all night wondering,
But sleep never comes.
Sometimes you cry yourself to sleep,
Thinking about times passed,
And all of the good things,
Wishing everything was still the same.
But even when that sleep comes, it is not a long rest.
You go through your days like a zombie,
Never thinking of anything but her.
Like being in a dream world,
Lost deep in thought.
Never able to concentrate.
She takes control of your mind.
Thinking of all the wonderful times together,
The pain is just too great,
Nothing can compare.
A physical wound would be welcome, much more manageable than this pain.
Your heart feels as if it's being torn to pieces,
But you still love her.
The love was too strong to deny,
Even though it is over,
She is still all you think about.
So many tears cried,
And nights washed away with tears.
The pain is unbearable,
Yet you must go on,
And must keep hope that she will come back.
A pain too much to bear,
A pain, oh, so deep,
The pain of a broken heart.
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