A Deep Breath
Posted: 21 September 2003 Word Count: 98 |
Abscond from civilization
I want to run away
From everything around me
Perhaps just for today
So tired of hearing sinner
Packed with deceitful lies
You believe you’re so superior
So dirty on the inside
Just back the hell away from me
Please give me some air
I realize new pets are amusing to watch
But I don’t actually mind
If my view on life amuses
Enquiry with commonwealth
You won’t gain a damned thing
By standing there, sniggering at me
Inside I am the tittering
Regarding you
The foolish way you impersonate
The futile things you perform.
I want to run away
From everything around me
Perhaps just for today
So tired of hearing sinner
Packed with deceitful lies
You believe you’re so superior
So dirty on the inside
Just back the hell away from me
Please give me some air
I realize new pets are amusing to watch
But I don’t actually mind
If my view on life amuses
Enquiry with commonwealth
You won’t gain a damned thing
By standing there, sniggering at me
Inside I am the tittering
Regarding you
The foolish way you impersonate
The futile things you perform.
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