Iain MacLeod
Posted: 14 January 2007 Word Count: 86 Summary: First new thing in some considerable time (at least the first thing I've been reasonably happy with). Hope you all like it. Related Works: Battle Find Me Highland Lighthouse No More Sad Refrains Punishing kiss Stillness Becomes Me |
Here I am and here I remain,
sadder than a warped old LP,
caught in my own grooves and whiling away time;
melded to the taciturn shadows
and tipping in and out of my languid illusion.
I could tap out a tune, little more
than a key-scale, but enough
of a melody to stir quiescent memory
of the waning symphony within.
Here I am and here I remain,
plugging away with rhythmless words,
grasping for pale lyrics before my fastened eyes,
too far out of reach.
sadder than a warped old LP,
caught in my own grooves and whiling away time;
melded to the taciturn shadows
and tipping in and out of my languid illusion.
I could tap out a tune, little more
than a key-scale, but enough
of a melody to stir quiescent memory
of the waning symphony within.
Here I am and here I remain,
plugging away with rhythmless words,
grasping for pale lyrics before my fastened eyes,
too far out of reach.
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