Wk22 - The Keeper
Posted: 27 August 2006 Word Count: 105
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It's lonely here but there's comfort in the light panning across the sea. There's time to think and time to contemplate who I am and who I might have been. The clouds are horses galloping or sheep driven by an unseen shepherd. Waves like tears are gems to capture and store in polished boxes. Or evil spirits to quell with magic. I choose to let them pass. Their destination never, their purpose unknown, they can push a man to shore or pull him under, buoy up or sink a ship. I let them be, my job to watch only, to understand, not staunch, the sea.
Comments by other Members
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paul53 [for I am he] at 08:57 on 28 August 2006
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Despite my current and seemingly long-term mental enervation, I found this curiously moving, as if you had placed a finger on a large beached whale and found the vital pulse.
who I am
and who I might have been |
| sums up those moments we stand and stare and consider - driven not by the expectations of others but some inner image we cannot recall building. Great stuff.
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joanie at 09:32 on 28 August 2006
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Hi, apsara. I don't often comment on the weekly Flash Poetry posts because I'm not directly involved, although I often read them.
I really enjoyed this and the way you had unobtrusively used the line. The images of the waves especially are wonderful. I particularly liked I choose to let them pass.
Their destination never,
their purpose unknown, |
The rhyme of the last lines and the final summing up there is excellent. I wondered if it might be smoother as I let them be,
my job only to watch,
to understand, not staunch, the sea. |
I think you have done this very well as an exercise but have created a fantastic poem from it.
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Beanie Baby at 12:13 on 28 August 2006
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You have really done justice to my suggested line and the resulting piece of work is brilliant. It does have a kind of soft sadness to it - a longing maybe for what might have been if the circumstances had been more favourable! I love the feeling it gave me about the sea and brought to mind an evening on holiday two years ago, when my husband and I stood against a sea wall in Devon and watched as the darkness of the night stole down until all that was visible was a few twinkling trawler lights.
I really like this poem and send you my warmest wishes.
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apsara at 02:42 on 29 August 2006
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Thanks to all of you for your comments. I've been a bit at sea with my poetry due to changes in my life & your feedback makes me think I am beginning to get back on course.
I love the way the random lines send me in new directions - this really did come from nowhere - after all, I am in Nepal - quite a long way from the sea!
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