Heartbreak high
by WhiteRose
Posted: 02 May 2006 Word Count: 688 |
“Samantha!!!” My friend screeched “You’ll never guess!!”
“You won a lottery” I said not even remotely interested, Keira always comes around with a new stupid story, I didn’t expect today to be any different even if she was much more excited than other days.
“No" she said grinning, "guess again.”
“You’re allowed to go to Veronica’s party?”
“Not in a million years.. my parents wouldn’t let me. Guess again!”
“No guesses left” I grumbled
“Ok fine, I’ll tell you ‘cause you’ll never guess! I GOT IT! I FINALLY DID” She looked at me as if that was enough of a clue for me to know what she was talking about .. but I was still clueless.
“Oh! Don’t you get it?” Keira said, “He asked me out.. he ACTUALLY DID!”
I air felt like it was being squeezed out of my lungs, “What are you talking about?” I asked, even though I knew exactly what she was going to say.
"RYAN ASKED ME OUT!!" Keira said with the biggest smile imaginable; but, I could not smile back at her, I could hardly breathe.
“.. Sam?” Keira said, “Well.. don’t get excited all at once!” I knew she wanted me to be as happy as she was, but I couldn’t be. I couldn’t be happy for her. I could never, not when I always liked him, even before she joined Trident high, and now.. now.. she .. Oh.
“I’m so happy for you” I forced out of my mouth.. I couldn’t say anymore than that. I just couldn’t! I made some excuse that I had to see Mrs. Daniels about my slipping biology grade and hurried away. I felt such a pain in my chest as if I got stabbed right in the middle of it. Of course he liked Keira, with her long black hair, and skinny body. Why would a guy like Ryan, like someone like me? 5 ft 10 with frizzy blond hair. No, he’d rather have pretty Keira with her sun kissed skin__ even if she IS way shorter than him.
Monday, someway melted into tuesday and tuesday into wednesday, until I found myself at the end of the week.
A week that has been nothing else but a never ending nightmare, Keira couldn’t stop talking about Ryan once, how cute he looked, how good he was at football, how he gave her a bracelet. It was Ryan this, Ryan that. Until I felt I couldn’t take it anymore. Couldn’t she see how much pain I was in? Couldn’t she tell that I couldn’t stand it. No. She just thinks I’m the best friend that’s happy that she got the cutest guy at school. That’s all she thinks.
“Sam!” Keira yelled from somewhere behind me, “Sam wait up!” but I didn’t I only stopped when she ran over and stood right in front of me, “What’s wrong with you? You’ve been acting funny all day”
"Funny?" I sharply said. It was the last straw, “I’m totally fine, YOU’RE the one acting weird! Just because some stupid guy asked you out!!” Keira’s eyes went as wide as saucers.
“Do you think it’s nice to hear nothing other than RYAN all day??? Huh? I mean, what about me? We don’t talk about anything else.” Keira's looked completely miserable,
but I couldn’t stop, I wanted to hate her, be nasty to her, kick her, everything, yet she was my friend__my best friend, I couldn’t tell her what I always felt for Ryan. My lips were sealed and my heart shattered.
“You’re so selfish” I said cuttingly “so much for BEST FRIENDS, you can probably replace me with a wall”
At that very second Ryan bounced by all happy, his smile didn’t last when he saw the sad expression on Keira’s face, “What’s up?” he said, glancing accusingly at me, my heart banged against my chest.
Keira just sighed, I couldn't stay there anymore; I turned away quickly trying to blink away all the tears threatening to fall, Keira is probably going to tell him, he’s going to hate me. I couldn’t stand it if Ryan hated me.
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