Flash Poetry #6: Aiming High
Posted: 25 March 2006 Word Count: 104 Summary: 'Now I will shine for all the world to see.'
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Somewhere thinking that darkness is all I am what do I have to offer? One of many, loved of few but too hidden to get a good sight of the world.
Cryptic, mysterious, occult say I but often interpreted as distant, snobbish, shy. My light is masked.
And very well - I didn't want to. Somewhere thinking that darkness is all I have. The light is there. I see. But no-one else wants to know.
So how to open? Be rid of this flesh so my light can stream Return to the source And now I will shine for all the world to see.
Comments by other Members
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ccatherine at 20:18 on 25 March 2006
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I like this but it reads as if your struggling a bit with how to say what you want to say. Maybe it's just me.
Especially like the second stanza, which to me speaks of how you see yourself compared with how you are seen by others. I might have got that wrong though.
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paul53 [for I am he] at 21:19 on 25 March 2006
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Great title for an anthology, or a novel.
Cathy's right, there is a struggle here, but the nature of this particular group [hurry, hurry] is like one aspect of poetry: that of searching rather than making an actual discovery. After all, we've had centuries without a single poem cracking open the Great Beyond.
Much of my earlier poetry was about struggle: with life; with health; with inner conflicts; with those great questions. Someone said because I was a Cancer sign I approached everything sideways, and it reflected in my poetry.
Because of this, I quite enjoy seeing a struggle in a poem, especially when the poet is struggling to express inexpressible things; those emotions and experiences we cannot readily label, so we resort to metaphors or vague outlines that only fellow strugglers can see any sense in. Yet THEY will see what is trying to be said, and they will take comfort from it, even if they themselves cannot express it lucidly either.
Hopefully, what I'm saying here is being understood somewhere, or else I need some medication.
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Cailleachna at 09:21 on 26 March 2006
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The nature of the "image behind the words" is one of a person who has immense difficulty expressing themselves creatively in a way that people outside himself appreciate, so maybe that subconsciously influenced the way I wrote the poem!
Thanks both of you, all very constructive points.
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ccatherine at 11:50 on 26 March 2006
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Well done Sharon, from what you're sayuing I think you achieved your objective.
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