Big Boy`s Toys
Posted: 11 February 2006 Word Count: 200 Summary: Sorry this is rubbish, but at least I tried.
Initially called it Prospero's Toys.
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Eddie sat, tongue stuck out in concentration, fixing a transfer onto the tail wing of his model spitfire. It was always the most deliciously satisfying moment adding delicate finishing touches.
He set the plane gently down on the green baize beside the others and looked at the hanger he’d made from corrugated cardboard painted matt black. Some of his earlier pieces suspended with fishing gut, hung frozen in flight, from the attic ceiling.
Gently lifting a Messerschmitt he clutched its body between thumb and forefinger and moved across to the mirror tile lake. He nose dived it down on a boat; a warship, one of ten, making ak ak ak ak noises as it swooped low. Stuttering engine failure the plane ascended away, making Eddie wheeze in over excitement.
Approaching the confines of the eaves the old man swung the fighter down towards the Flying Scotsman that came out of the tunnel he’d made in ‘73. ‘Woah woo,’ he hooted, ‘chu chu chu chu,’ he chanted as the train passed the Mallard derailed in a siding. ’Ak ak ak ak,’ he continued as he swung around the room swooping on the moving train, knocking over his bottles of home brew.
Comments by other Members
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crowspark at 22:58 on 11 February 2006
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Excellent flash Caroline.
I'm afraid you made a few technical errors, clearly Prosp could have easily made the tunnel in '73 but that wouldn't have made him an old man now, although the wheezing would have been about right! Also he wouldn't have painted the hanger black as this would have made it stand out and he would have, no doubt, made something out of stockings and leaves and mushroom coloured paint.;)
Despite these slight technical errors, excellent!
Great sound effects and reference to the record breaking Mallard engine was a quacking good wheeze!
(Hope sucking up to him works!)
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Dreamer at 03:16 on 12 February 2006
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Hi Caroline,
Loved this, most deliciously satisfying moment |
| . Used to make model airplanes myself.
Caroline, the last two times you said your pieces were rubbish, you won!!! So just remember my piece is definitely more rubbish than yours! :)
As usual you create a very vivid picture. Reading your stories is like sinking into your favourite overstuffed chair, really comfortable.
I see this old guy is still young at heart! Women don't generally appreciate it but one of our jobs as men is to keep them young at heart, but I digress.
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Jumbo at 07:13 on 12 February 2006
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Nice piece, Caroline.
Like Bill I enjoyed the sound-effects (both easily pleased, obviuosly).
A capital S for spitfire, maybe?
Picking up on Bill's 'technical errors', if Prosp had written this your Messerschmitts would have been Fokkers (probably either D.XX1s or G.1s). (No, sorry, Brian - not a Camel!!)
I liked the revelation towards the end that this was an 'old man'. Those couple of words gave this a very different feel, and quite suddenly turned over the image I had built up as I read the piece.
Clever writing!
All the best
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Dee at 09:05 on 12 February 2006
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Great story, Caroline.
Like the others, I loved the revelation at the end that he was an old man… it completely changed the perspective.
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choille at 10:04 on 12 February 2006
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Cheers all for reading. I enjoyed this strict challenge from Prosp although quite confining we all managed to obey his command you notice.
Bill I did reply to your comment last night but it isn't here must have vanished into the ether.
Well all you blokes are obviously model train/plane enthusiasts.
Glad you all liked the noises! I thought they were rather silly.
Thanks Dee glad you liked the revelation of the old man.
Jumbo thanks for the typo will ammend.
Thanks all.
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Prospero at 10:10 on 12 February 2006
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I knew it! I can always tell when somebody's been at me little bits and pieces.
May I point out the home brew soaked through the ceiling and ate holes in the carpet. The cost of repairs will probably run into pounds!
So that's it! I've moved the front door key to the other flower pot so you can't find it Caroline. Ha, Ha.
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choille at 10:45 on 12 February 2006
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Cheers Prospero,
Thanks for reading.
Look I didn't tell anyone that you were wearing full Luftwaff regalia when I peeked up your loft.
All the best Captain
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Dreamer at 13:40 on 12 February 2006
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Scottish thing, I think it relates to the wearing of kilts, but maybe I'm wrong. :)
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Prospero at 16:51 on 12 February 2006
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Zer Luftwaffe do not vair skirts. Skirts is fur der fraulein. Hermann vood spin in his mistress if he heard such a ting.
Dairs a boomber ovair zer wite cleefs off Doover on zer Eagle Tag zhust yoo vait und zee...
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choille at 19:33 on 12 February 2006
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Well I suppose your secrets out now prosps.
To peek up your loft has to be done through a boley hole or maybe bogey hole. You may not have one if you live in a flat!
This is getting surreal again Captain.
I may be in need of some of that home brew if there's any left.
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