Posted: 22 July 2005 Word Count: 387 Summary: A short flash for this week. |
That Friday night there was live music at the Rollo Club.
Katy went along with some of the girls from work, knowing that she’d have to leave early to get the last bus to her home village of Shireton.
Tonight’s band was the Roxters. The lead singer gave Katy the hots. Tall and rangy with shoulder length brown hair and a languid delivery.
When their spot was over she noticed he went to the bar, so off she went to get a round for her table. Pushing her way through she managed to come elbow to elbow with him.
“Great music.” She said, trying to appear confident and not too ‘groupie’.
“ Gee thanks. Glad you enjoyed it” He held out his hand. “I’m Nick.”
Katy noticed his deep-set brown eyes.
“I’m Katy - I didn’t realise you’re American.”
“That’s ‘cos I’m not – Canadian if you please.”
“So sorry, I bet you hate it when people make that mistake.”
“Well, it gets kinda tiresome sometimes.”
“Are you here on tour?”
“No, I just moved to this town. This isn’t my real job. Can I buy you a drink?”
And so it began. They spent what was left of Kate’s evening together. He was interesting, stimulating and very complimentary.
By the time she left Katy had arranged to meet Nick the following lunchtime and she hugged herself all the way home.
She couldn’t wait to go to work at Bartletts Bank next week to tell the girls of her conquest. They’d be green with envy.
She almost convinced herself she was in love with this gorgeous man with the sexy accent.
Saturday was a hot day and as she waited for Nick at the café bar across the street from the bank, Katy enjoyed the sun’s warm rays on her bare shoulders.
His warm Canadian voice came from behind her.
“Hello beautiful young woman.” Nick stroked her arm and smiled as he sat opposite, the sun full in his face.
With horror Katy noticed the deep lines etched between his eyebrows. His skin looked rather slacker than it had last night. As he leaned towards her in the bright daylight Katy watched his long brown locks fall forwards revealing a ragged parting in his hair.
The roots were grey! He was as old as her Dad!
That Friday night there was live music at the Rollo Club.
Katy went along with some of the girls from work, knowing that she’d have to leave early to get the last bus to her home village of Shireton.
Tonight’s band was the Roxters. The lead singer gave Katy the hots. Tall and rangy with shoulder length brown hair and a languid delivery.
When their spot was over she noticed he went to the bar, so off she went to get a round for her table. Pushing her way through she managed to come elbow to elbow with him.
“Great music.” She said, trying to appear confident and not too ‘groupie’.
“ Gee thanks. Glad you enjoyed it” He held out his hand. “I’m Nick.”
Katy noticed his deep-set brown eyes.
“I’m Katy - I didn’t realise you’re American.”
“That’s ‘cos I’m not – Canadian if you please.”
“So sorry, I bet you hate it when people make that mistake.”
“Well, it gets kinda tiresome sometimes.”
“Are you here on tour?”
“No, I just moved to this town. This isn’t my real job. Can I buy you a drink?”
And so it began. They spent what was left of Kate’s evening together. He was interesting, stimulating and very complimentary.
By the time she left Katy had arranged to meet Nick the following lunchtime and she hugged herself all the way home.
She couldn’t wait to go to work at Bartletts Bank next week to tell the girls of her conquest. They’d be green with envy.
She almost convinced herself she was in love with this gorgeous man with the sexy accent.
Saturday was a hot day and as she waited for Nick at the café bar across the street from the bank, Katy enjoyed the sun’s warm rays on her bare shoulders.
His warm Canadian voice came from behind her.
“Hello beautiful young woman.” Nick stroked her arm and smiled as he sat opposite, the sun full in his face.
With horror Katy noticed the deep lines etched between his eyebrows. His skin looked rather slacker than it had last night. As he leaned towards her in the bright daylight Katy watched his long brown locks fall forwards revealing a ragged parting in his hair.
The roots were grey! He was as old as her Dad!
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