Moonlight Love
Posted: 09 March 2003 Word Count: 95 |
I stare into complete darkness
And see us so bright
The clouds take signal
They move on
Darkness slides
The soft moonlight hugs my soul
The way I dream of you hugging my body
I clutch back
My soul finds the warmth of your love
My hands pierce cold, thin air
This is sweet cruelty
Half of me knows your measureless love
The other half yearns
It needs to feel you
The moonlight seems to gravitate
Somewhere beyond the darkness
Love tells me it is you
That moonlight follows
If only I could see
How moonlight glows off of you again
Cold, thin air shall be a warm smothering breeze
And see us so bright
The clouds take signal
They move on
Darkness slides
The soft moonlight hugs my soul
The way I dream of you hugging my body
I clutch back
My soul finds the warmth of your love
My hands pierce cold, thin air
This is sweet cruelty
Half of me knows your measureless love
The other half yearns
It needs to feel you
The moonlight seems to gravitate
Somewhere beyond the darkness
Love tells me it is you
That moonlight follows
If only I could see
How moonlight glows off of you again
Cold, thin air shall be a warm smothering breeze
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