Rebecca Lloyd  

Like many writers, I've been fitting my writing around my 'day jobs' for the last several years, and during that time I met some strange and interesting people, some of whom have inspired my stories, either directly or at an unconcious level. Truth really can be far stranger than fiction.
What interests me most is the inventive way people deal with what life seems to have handed to them, particularly when it doesn't look like very much of anything, - and the ability many have to slip between their own invented worlds and the shared world, as if travelling back and forth down a long worn path.
I don't think my stories fit into any established genre because, true to the characters who inspire them, they are not focussed on one theme such as romance, murder, horror,- although all those elements play a part. They are undeniably dark in nature, such that when I try to pigeon-hole them I can only get so far as to say 'darkish, darker, dark, darkest.' The nearest genre might be 'horror', but not in the cartoon sense of stock characters with fangs who dine on blood.
I see the true horror in urban life as being the very fragility of the divide between those who percieve themselves as safe and thriving, and those who live in the interstitial spaces in states of bewilderment.