Pippa Gray  

It has been my driving ambition to be able to call myself a ‘writer’ for as long as I can remember and to that end I have been writing books and short stories for thirty two years, since I was 10 years old when I wrote my first book about show-jumping which was my childhood passion. I illustrated that one myself too!!

I have had several short stories and articles published in minor publications, my first being a story entitled ‘How The Horse Got His Voice’ when I was 10 which was published in an RAF magazine. More recently I wrote contributory articles for the ‘Petersfield Post’ all of which were printed.

Eighteen years ago I embarked on writing my first ‘grown up’ novel, my passion for horses now firmly supplanted by my passion for history especially between the period 1066 and 1604. This novel was completed five years later in its first draft form and since then has been rewritten twice, but I have realised that I have to take the plunge and send my work to an agent, as to be able to call yourself a writer you have to have your work published.

The period of history that I have chosen for my first novel is the ‘Wars of the Roses’, a subject which is well documented but I hope that I have an original slant to offer the discerning reader. I have a sequel to this book planned, which will take the reader to the final days of Richard III and I also have plans to write in the reign of King Edward III using John of Gaunt as my thread and from a more sympathetic angle than most!!