Melissa Barker-Simpson  

Dear Reader

My first novel, The Conduit is available through Authorhouse and over the next couple of weeks can be ordered through Amazon or other online bookstores. To view my official site please visit

Since writing the conduit, I have completed Mixed Messages, which will hopefully be available later in the year. I am currently writing the third book in this sequence.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting the site. If you have read my work, I hope you enjoyed it.

A quick thank you to my family and friends for patiently waiting for the first book and for giving me the encouragement I needed. My sister, Sarah was the first person to read the Conduit and her feedback was invaluable. She is my sounding board, and having the
perspective of an avid reader certainly helps. Be under no illusions that she sugar coats her opinions because we are kin! My mum also listened to endless corrections at the other end of the phone, calming my nerves and boosting my confidence as only a mother can:). She always listens patiently when my enthusiasm builds over a plot or one of my characters.

Thanks again