

My name is Joss.
Joss is a tetragrammaton, a four letter name for god. One of the most common being Jhvh, although in modern scripture this now has two additional vowels. Joss, however, can also be traced back to early China, where it has similar meaning.

As I write, I have found it a constant struggle to cling to what I believe; being surrounded by war, false elections and propaganda. But equally difficult because I sense real opposition to my speaking. Yet, I am strong and know it is no crime to speak my truth.

Over the years I have been described as an old soul, a free spirit and even a shaman. Quite what that means is not for me to say. However, it has been said that in my 33rd year, at the start of the second millennium, I turned the tables on the empire.
Since that time I have been described as a living Jesus, a revolutionary and a fourth prophet.
I will try to explain the circumstance which led to such events, and much of what has happened since. I will also attempt to offer my opinion on a range of subjects and, hopefully, present my theory that Jesus could be considered the first known revolutionary socialist. What I feel I must stress however is that I have no hate for anyone. But I do think George Bush, Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair should all face charges for crimes against humanity.
I would also like to question how Pope John Paul II eventually came to give his blessing for an illegal war.

It is because of what is happening in the world around me, and because my thoughts touch on both politics and philosophy, that I need to step back and look at the wider picture. Although I live with my feet firmly on the ground and also hope to present the detail.
There are of course many for whom I would like to show my respect, namely all those who have shown me support, including all those who marched against the superpower’s war, the fire brigade who’s pay strike drained military resources and any anyone who believes that a better world is possible.

Despite the difficulty, what I cannot permit is for the chain of events simply to be swept under the political carpet. Nor can I remain silent and allow these atrocities to affect not only our lives, but future generations.
As for any question of my guilt or innocence and despite my own peace of mind, I can only ask you to consider that question for yourself. My need is simply to tell the tale.