Fabienne Reynolds  

For as long as I can remember, my two greatest passions have been to write and read. I have written since I was able to hold a pen from poetry to short stories to plays and I have a couple of books under way.

But to basics: I was born in France and have lived in England for over 20 years. For many years I was a marketing professional and for most of those for a book publisher, getting closer to my ultimate aim, becoming a full time writer. I now work freelance and supplement my writing income with copy-editing, proofreading, translations and articles.

Writing to me is similar to embarking on a voyage, not merely as a tourist but rather as a traveller for the final destination is unknown. There is a burning desire inside to fuel it and project thoughts and ideas on paper. Ah, the magic of the white sheet turning alive with words! This is a passion not a pastime and a passion like no other.