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Happy Hour

by  pene

Posted: Saturday, July 5, 2003
Word Count: 151

I gave you unrestricted access
let you in where forerunners failed
opened myself to you having first learnt
to trust your individuality and kindness.
I turned a blind eye and chose
not to hear the worriesome warnings
I was happy basking in the warmth
of your loving affection.
I missed you in your absences
my heart growing fonder as we grew closer
and days merged to weeks then months.
Shared experiences lit up dark winter
and spring sprung around us before
the onset of summer warmed our love.
Like lightening streaking the sky
from summer storms accompanied by
cataclysmic thunder claps serenity ceased.
From your much kissed soft lips a
torrent of words spilled forth abuse
eyes like those of an angry predator
pierced my being with optical unspoken hatred
as your enormous work worn hand tightened
about my slender throat.
All our living loving shared togetherness
destroyed by "Happy Hour"