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The Blue Eyed Bad Day

by  Boo

Posted: 04 July 2003
Word Count: 151
Summary: Childrens poem inspired by my son Nicholas(7) who told me he was having a 'blue eyed bad day'

The Blue Eyed Bad Day is somthing rare
It trips you up and tangles your hair
It knots your laces and at your clothes
It traps your fingers as it steps on your toes

It rips the poster you put on the wall
It creates a big puddle into which you will fall
It flicks all the inkblots that get on your clothes
And laughs at the bogey that flew out of your nose

It cackles when you stutter and cannot be heard
It helps you forget your speech word for word
It makes the bus come to early and dinner too late
When all you dislike is for you on your plate

It makes you squabble with all of your friends
But no sooner it started it suddenly ends
For the blue- eyed bad day appears out of the blue
So beware for the next time it's coming for you