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by  roovacrag

Posted: Friday, October 1, 2004
Word Count: 107
Summary: If anyone can add to the old childrens programs let me know.

Where is the magic roundabout?
Basil and Parsley too,
is Zebbidee jumping round
on the spring he did do.

Rag,Tag and Bobtail
prancing in the sun,
wooden tops are trotting,
chasing kids in the run.

Poor old Muffin
Muffin the mule.
dancing on strings
acting the fool.

Bill and ben, flower pot men,
chatting little weed near the shed,
"flubber lub",said Bill,
"oooooooo", little weed said.

Where is crackerjack?
did he get the sack?
too many cabbages
not enough prizes said.

Where is watch with mother?
perhaps kids grew to some other,
nothing sacred anymore,
tales all told,same old bore.

Bring back the magic
of the roundabout.