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by  poemsgalore

Posted: Sunday, September 26, 2004
Word Count: 109
Summary: Couldn't think of a better title, but that's what this is anyway, nonsense!

Have you seen the plogger?
I put it down, just there.
But now it’s disappeared.
It really isn’t fair.
I need to mend the riptitaff,
it really is a bother
because I just can’t do it
if I can’t find my plogger!
I thought I saw it crawling
along the quilsadore,
and that’s where I once found it
when it escaped before.
But no, it isn’t there now
but I found the arkadoo
which will come in very handy
when I go to clean the loo.
But if you find my plogger,
I hope you’ll let me know
then I can fix the riptitaff
before we get some snow.