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Grains of sand


Posted: Sunday, September 12, 2004
Word Count: 194
Summary: it's a song, a letter to my black girl-friend about our shared joy and pain. Hope no african men will take offence! Need some help with the rhymes doesn't flow as much as I wish. Please leave your comments!

I am a woman, I am a mother
I am your sister but can he be my brother?
His skin's black and smooth, the language's odd
Yes am pale, ain't my fault, please refer to God!
I cook the chicken and boil the plantain
'cause I'm white to his mum he'll complain!

I am a woman, I am a mother
We love them but they won't bother
My heart has broken far too many times
Won't believe their bullshit, even if its in rhymes!
Believe me tears got no ethnicity, no Leave To Remain
The Black man's lies gave us all... Pain!

I am a woman, I am a mother
You are my girl-friend and I would rather
Enjoy our jokes and tribal dress-making
Black an' white bums nicely dress-shaking
Let me hold your hands while you give birth
And share your hurting Sister, there no mirth

I am a woman, I am a mother
That's my new song girls, let's all gather
Give me your voices and clap your hands
Yes we're just women, tiny grains of sands
But together we stop boats and seas
We'll scream our power, there's no more pleas!