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Think you`re hard?!

by  Bobo

Posted: Sunday, July 18, 2004
Word Count: 114
Summary: About an old friend...

I despise your empty words,
your oh-so righteous posturing.
Think you're hard?!

In all honesty
you deserve nothing -
that negative stance
and derogatory monologue
amount to a very lonely life.

I'm here,
but will you reach out?
Will you, hell!

Opinions a-plenty,
but no experience,
no integrity of heart
from where to begin again.

The crossroads challenges you to divert,
but no strength is there
to battle the everyday,

Life awaits you,
but engaging is too painful -
I see you waver,
feel your lonesome antipathy.

My understanding blankets you,
closets your failure
and mocks your shortfalls,

I am here -
can you take me?
Will you satisfy
and re-make me?