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Being In The Garden

by  Trickster

Posted: 16 July 2004
Word Count: 114
Summary: from a chidhood recurring dream/nightmare

through the garden I toddle
christened in sunshine
prismatic presentation
of pigment saturation
in floral fascination

warbling and whistling
contently listening
bewitched as a bee hums by
hooked by the dancing butterfly
a bounty of beauty and bloom

but I know you'll be there
and you'll poison my joy
yet as my fear ferments
I will never abandon
my haven of enchantment

then I sense you I smell you
I feel you I hear you
muffled moans slimy wheeze
laboured trudging in the trees
your presence paralyses me

you emerge and I see you
but I don't, you just ARE
so hideous repulsive bizarre
you embrace me and crush me
consume me absorb me