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Summer Snow

by  Zettel

Posted: 11 July 2004
Word Count: 275
Summary: A companion piece to 'Lady in The Rain'

Like Lady in The Rain, this was inspired by a much admired singer and the idea that 'folk' singers are in a tradition of passing on songs and ideas to a new generation. For anyone into this kind of thing, there are in fact references to 3 (female) singers, largely in the folk idiom, in this piece. I'd reckon 1 is easy to spot, one less so and one quite hard as she is now 62 years old. But everyone knows at least one of her songs. I didn't write the piece as a conundrum but if anyone fancies a crack at it - a bit of fun.

Summer Snow

Born on the plains
By the open restless sea
The summer snow was calling me
The past is a place to visit
But a hopeless place to be

I rode through the lowlands
Into the hills
On past the valleys and streams.
Higher still the clean piney air
Chilled my dreams.
In winter's snow, the sun remains
And high in the mountains
Where the glacial skier rides
I found the solace I required
Summer snow abides

In the circle game
The little wheel spins
While the big wheel turns around
In songs of place and kin
The poet singer enters in
A timeless place she passes through
Where other voices echo too

The future calls her forward
There's so much left to do
Give the past a present voice
But bring its love with you

I return to the plains
By the open restless sea
The summer snow's still calling me
The past is a place to visit
But a hopeless place to be.
