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Summer died one day

by  baldur

Posted: Saturday, July 3, 2004
Word Count: 199

Summer came unexpectedly.
Burst upon me like a bolt from the azure blue sky,
I didn’t see it coming, how could I?
It just crept up on me, where the hell did spring go?
But I KNEW when it arrived.

I could smell it in the air, spring that is,
the smell of roses blossoming
and life beginning
but then……
Summer came into my life.

It began… life began
with summer.
Glorious blue skies, sunshine and heat
like the summer days your Grandparents tell you about
I KNEW this was my one chance of summer.
And it was.

The sun burst into my life, glorious, hot and illuminating,
warmed the world up with the radiance
of it’s orb.
Wasn’t always hot and sunny though
that summer.
Sudden storms burst upon the world
pissing forth rain like a devil
possessed drenching.

Dark, storm tossed waves
crashing against the cliffs
thunderous claps and flashes of lightning.
Mother Earth awesome.

The rainbow, the one we should all follow
I should have chased it, but
It was always here.
I left it.
Now it’s gone
It’s gone,
but summer is always here.

Always here.
Summer will always be here won’t she?