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by  michwo

Posted: Monday, April 3, 2023
Word Count: 112
Summary: For my own prompt 610...

Hallelujah! / God is groot: / overwinaar / van de dood! -
Hallelujah! / God is great: / Overcomer / of Man’s fate!
(The last four lines of Pasen [“Easter”] by the Bruges-born poet and priest Guido Gezelle [1830-1899])
Easter. Chains no longer pinch.
Like a lark, or like a finch,
Spring has paused to catch its breath.
Christ has triumphed over death!
Easter. Freedom bought with pain,
Lamb restored, come back again.
Let this not pass through a sieve:
Christ died so He, All might live!
Easter. Stone has rolled away.
It’s the start of a new day,
Heralded by sun, not moon:
Christ is risen from the tomb!