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For this week`s challenge

by  Jojovits1

Posted: Monday, August 2, 2021
Word Count: 94
Summary: I'm away at the weekend to the Isle of Wight...little get away while we can. I've been trying to do more and will add to it if anything comes but so far, this is my effort :-)

Across avocado
pulled Santa
through our living room
not trusting
the chimney.
Before she gave him
pride of place
our mother glittered
his blushed nose,
anointing him
with glue
and fragmented light.
Year on year
she added to the trove
of tinsel and foil.
Heralding angels
spun by tea lights,
silver snowflakes,
paper chains.
I can still feel
the tight curl
of tinsel
where a strand
had strayed
too close
to the fire.
Our Christmases were
cheap and priceless.
An embrace of colour
that our mother
with her glue
and her glitter