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Last Night In Nashville

by  Zettel

Posted: 17 June 2019
Word Count: 130
Summary: Another effort at a song. My son's sister-in-law, a singer/songwriter, fell in love with a another singer/songwriter from Nashville. They met and first kissed on her last night in Nashville before flying home next day. Getting married this August. Happy songs are hard and the risk of cliche, ever-present. This probably needs a 'bridge' to complete it. I test my 'songs' by trying to 'sing' them 'in my head'. The title just seemed to write itself.

Last Night In Nashville

We had our first kiss
last night in Nashville
Our love began on
My last night in Nashville

Music city made us one
Two roads together ran
Life as partners had begun
The night I met my music man

Each alone on lonely ways
Goin’ home to solitary rain
Back to uncertain days
Only music eased the pain 

One last drink one last song
Next day’s flight must be flown
Your eyes beyond right or wrong
Sparked a fire I’d never known

Had to go, had to leave
But knowing then that I’d return
No Nashville loss to grieve
Just a lifetime’s love to burn

No last night in Nashville
No last loving kiss
We are there, lovin’ still
Nothing lost. No one to miss