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by  The Walrus

Posted: Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Word Count: 153

The bile of bitterness flows
as dignity departs.

Sharpen your teeth
as you select from secrets shared
the words of venom
to effect
maximum damage.

Point the barrage of
well-aimed missiles,
desecrate the memory,
trample ripshod with hob-nailed boots
of fury.

Gather your admiring army
to crucify me,
tell them your story,
make them despise me.
Assuage the pain,
restore the pride,
validate your being
and resurrect the banner
of belief.

And it is inhumane to expect
shoulders broad enough
to sustain the pain
of hatred borne of love,
and I understand,
to bury it,
you had to kill it.

And I hope, when you have
finally wrought your vengeance
peace will soothe your soul,
and in the darkest of some future hour,
I will still be there,
my promises holding true.

I dance along this glittering path
encrusted with exotic gems
in my gold sandled feet
with outstretched hand.

Forever Red