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A Goodbye Valentine

by  John G.Hall

Posted: 15 February 2004
Word Count: 133
Summary: A Buddhist love poem..... (The Salutation is a pub in Manchester)

A Goodbye Valentine

you were described
by your gifted smile
character leaned
open your northern
irish tongued mouth
grinned into pretty
laughter lines touch
on touch they curled
either side of speech
rambled from Down
along the sailing wind
under starry ploughs
unseen by english,

you were explained
by your royal name
autumn sea horses
curtsyed a crown of
hair softly furled on
bright looks shaded
by loves costed tears
each a sip poured on
the still hot tongue of
my waiting soul agape
communion was served
with guiness and crack
now empty glasses spill
and laughter is history
that still needs the tells
old friend always young
have a happy ever after
on me, & when our next
life doubles round we'll
drink dry our Salutation
once again, once again.

John G.Hall(C)2004