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Civic Pride

by  Mickey

Posted: Monday, October 10, 2016
Word Count: 112
Summary: I like the idea of rubbish-shaped holes in the pond (This is in response to Alan's challenge in Flash Poetry)

The Local Council Parks Department
came up trumps this Spring,
with rhubarb round the boating lake
in a kind of ‘fairy ring’.
I rang them up, and said I thought
their planting scheme inspired,
and asked if they’d refill the lake
as custard’s now required?
The Council’s arboricultural man
(in charge of landscape schemes)
thought this was a splendid plan –
the ‘answer to his dreams’
“Sir, this is the perfect wheeze –
the custard would reflect the trees,
and hide the rubbish people threw in.
I’m sure the idea’s worth pursuing”
So now we’ve got a yellow lake
Whose very high viscosity,
Leaves supermarket trolley holes
For every passer-by to see!