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How to Divide your Time on Essay Writing in Exams

by  Hamza

Posted: 18 May 2015
Word Count: 477
Summary: Time left: 30 minutes, question remaining = 1, Type of question = Essay Writing, Word Count = 300.

Now that is a night mare situation for student sitting in examination hall. Finishing such lengthy essay in short period of time is like having a battle with your answer sheets. This type of situation mostly occurs with students who do not practice their writing skills. That is why they do not know the secrets of time management in writing. The students who perform writing practice on regular basis obviously have good writing speed and they know the techniques that are essential for quality writing. The most common technique of increasing writing speed is practicing your writing skills regularly. But yes, now that you are sitting in exams, you cannot implement that technique over there at that time, so we are mentioning some more of it so that you can have some peace of mind at that distraught moment. Let’s start with the introduction, but hey wait! Leave the introduction, Yes, we say leave the introduction but just for now. This is the technique which can save your time a lot. We all know that it gets really hard to suggest the starting lines for your essay, so it’s better to leave it for now as it can consume plenty of your time. First of all read the question very carefully, and try to understand what is asked by the examiner, this would take 1 min, once you get the idea that about what you have to write then on rough sheet jot down all the points which comes to your mind related to that topic, it could take 8 to 10 mins. Once you get enough points, let’s say if you are writing 300 words then 15 to 20 points would be more than enough to figure it out as an essay, after you are finalized with it then quickly select those points which you can choose from them for the main body of your essay and then rewrite those points with proper spellings as the main body of essay, it would take hardly 10 mins. After this work is done, then select some introductory line, when you have had done yourself with the main body content you can then easily grab the introductory lines, keep introduction short, not more than 5 lines, can consume up to 4 to 5 mins. In the last, for conclusion, put your own perception and points in regards with that topic and it would take hardly 3 to 4 mins. You see by following such simple techniques you can manage your time in more organized manner, and can come up with some good writing stuff, but make yourself used to of writing as it can help you a lot in thinking more creatively than others.
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