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by  OliviaPaasche

Posted: Saturday, March 22, 2014
Word Count: 274
Summary: storms can come so suddenly into our lives and cause devastating chaos and destruction.

                                                               IN THE EYE OF A STORM
Run for cover, for here she comes
Like a thousand white horses
She appears from the watery horizon
Foaming wildly at her mouth
Throwing great waves with the power
Of a mighty army
Have you come to break our lives?
Like a woman scorned she advances
Wild and shameless
With a vengeance on her mind
Like a jealous husband
There is no turning back
Till devastation, horror and destruction
Are metered in dark and joyless measures
Even upon the innocent ones.
Have you come to break our dreams?
So now when punishment is over
 And all is said and done
The waters return to their boundaries
The horizon is hushed and still.
The people that are left today will one day
Tell the tale, where grief dried out all the reservoirs of tears
Leaving life’s sore sight of brokenness
Homes, Broken dreams and broken people
                 Broken dreams and people
Swaying to and fro with their heads held between their hands
                Broken homes and people
Swaying to and fro with hands outstretched over the ruins
                Broken families and people
Swaying to and fro with hands held over their bellies
And you sun ...why did you stand silent in the sky?
As you watched that hurricane reeked chaos across the land
You moon ...was it her evil tide that wooed you?
You sea ... why did you not withstand her wrath?
And you mighty winds ...why did you not come out against her
And draw up a protective shield?
And you raging storms and hurricanes named after saints and sinners
You will one day have your own reward.