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Deadly Heirophant

by  DonniT

Posted: Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Word Count: 123
Summary: Several years ago I learned of Joseph Kony and the Invisible Children- it inspired me to write this- I have recently revised it yet feel like it is still a work in progress.

The Deadly Hierophant
Svengali’s hymns sung by the militant choir
Lull the congregation into passivity as lambs before the lions.
The masses sway in pews with nooses
Wrapped tightly around their necks singing his praises
As life slips from battered lips

Filthy lucre fills the coffers as the chattel is led to slaughter
His fanned promises of heaven’s glory for all
while he inks deadly deals with Satan’s pen
His epistles to the nations inspire devotion
But aid only the foreign powers hiding in the shadows

Infants man the holy war in full metal jackets
Washed in the blood of jackals
Brother battle brother believing God’s Will
Is being done.

A New Day has Dawned and
Hell will not have the last laugh.