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Memory Peel

by  wordman

Posted: Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Word Count: 50
Summary: In brief I tried to express some thoughts about monumental masons (the guys who carve head stones) I imagined 'memory peel' being the bits of stone left over after inscribing words a kind of blue print of the dead person. I did not deal with it very well to be honest. However I like the idea. I hope this one is a bit easier to relate to. I may work on this one It feels incomplete and a bit vague.

Memory peel

Bloody Isle memory Peel

Another name born not dead

Added to the inscription wheel

Cutters irony granite lust

Words in letter

soft boy bust

Sent to a shelf or a lodge

Marble plinth

A final resting place

Wall butt baby

Being just a bust

A blood stone tablet