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Does watching images cause a change in behaviour?

by  rayner

Posted: Sunday, July 4, 2010
Word Count: 301

Dear Guardian
I was somewhat surprised that you would print an article by Professor Gail Dines without asking the obvious question, if, as she claims, watching porn inspires men to even greater acts of sexual depravity, what about watching images of violence? Are violent acts harmless? Does a constant diet of images of violent behaviour of all descriptions turn us men into savages? Of course it doesn’t.

Most men my age, 79, have watched thousands of acts of pure savagery from infancy onwards. There was nothing else to watch but shoot em up cowboys and Indians, cop stories, and of course violent images on the cartoons available throughout our formative years. How have we turned out? Well speaking for myself, I am a kind, warm, and loving father to two grown up daughters.

During my life I have created inventions and products to help parents bond, and carry their children to make their infants and their lives easier. The invention which is the source of my greatest satisfaction is the creation of the Baby Sling. Go to for the full story of how this came about. If this sparks your curiosity go to for a list of the many whole humanitarian devices, (Under the heading of inventions) to help people live in greater harmony with their loved ones, and the society in which they live.

None are patented, and available for anyone to use, and profit from either personally or industrially. Is this the product of a crazed sexually violent person? I think that Professor Dines does not have a full enough understanding of the dichotomy present due to the rather strange rearing process that we in Britain, and Europe had. Many men have violent, and sadistic urges, learnt in childhood which they never act upon.
Rayner Garner