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by  Tmog

Posted: Sunday, November 29, 2009
Word Count: 137
Summary: this is an idea i have been working on so it is my first attempt and may need a re- write. see what you think.

We are surrounded by doors
enticing us in, sugar coated doors for sticky fingers,
doors of mystery, keep out, staff only, nettled in
barbed wire.
half open doors full of promise, chocolate soft centred
exciting doors, silk covered in lace suspenders
inspiring doors, Leonardo bold italic, uppercase only
lonely doors all shuttered in silence, cobweb covered
sad doors, tear stained and umbrella wet
happy doors, candy striped in laughter
forbidden doors, Pandora boxed, best kept locked
revolving doors covered with the same sticky mistakes
trap doors crocodile sprung to catch you out
doors that slide on tram like runners, buffered into
walls with imprint of face
secret doors of camouflaged chameleon that
blend into the back ground
troubled doors thunder clapped in turmoil and hard to
get through.
We are surrounded by doors enticing us.

Tony Morgan.