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by  Gary

Posted: Monday, April 14, 2003
Word Count: 275



The rain had stopped as he wiped his face and checked the time. It was nine fifteen. The moon was full and provided a good light source as he removed his binoculars from the
front pouch of his anorak and looked out at the sea. He could see the odd ripple in the black water where the moon shone. Looking back at the beach he could make out the sand dunes and the mass of lights in the villages behind. He focused on the target area and waited.

He saw a light in the distance; it was getting closer. In times gone by the sight of the boat had made his heart race and filled him with hope, but those feelings had diminished.

As the wind started to pick up and the sea grew rough, the boat appeared beyond the ray of moonlight and turned, as it always did, to the north. He stood up from the makeshift stone seat and watched a man gripping the side of the boat while he stared down at the water.

‘Go on. It’ll be your only chance.’ He whispered.

The man leapt out, feet first and disappeared into the darkness.

‘Where are you?’ The adrenaline pumped fast through his body as he searched the sea through the two circular holes. He caught a glimpse of a head bobbing up and down,
hands waving desperately in the air. He wanted to help but knew he couldn’t go any closer.

The boat was now headed back out to sea and there was no sign of the man overboard.