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A Visit From The Jehovah`s Witnesses

by  Mickey

Posted: Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Word Count: 94
Summary: I haven’t written much lately so here is one I prepared earlier. I remember that the last time I posted this, I received a comment from a JW who took it in good part luckily. Absolutely no offence meant to any others who might read it (honest!)

“I wonder - could we trouble you?”
said the short J.W,
“to tell us what you think of Sin?”
I said “It’s awful – Please, step in”.

I sat them down and made them tea,
Then we discussed amicably,
mistakes for which they said we’d pay,
on God’s awaited Judgement Day.

We spoke of death, and Faith, and such,
of sex on telly - far too much.
But then they both blushed when I said,
“I get enough of that in bed”.

There followed an embarrassed pause,
then, Bibles shut, they went next door.