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Wild side - Flash Poetry Challenge 12

by  joanie

Posted: Saturday, June 28, 2008
Word Count: 287
Summary: A VERY strange journey! I am posting EVERYTHING - and I'm not finished yet!

That's it now! No more
Another hand would change the general
world, while borders bang and starkness
Another hand would try to lose
the wild, while diabetic dogs
roam free.
Another hand would listen
to the streets. Deaf ears fail
to listen.

The latest version

The wild going with another hand
the general world, the border, more bang.
Listen, let me lose the wild. So day and night
this open way the starker shine. The wild
was always neither going in the streets
nor in another hand. The dog with insulin
has my hand.

Version 2
My hand in the general world, the wild
insulin, neither this nor that but more bang
to listen to the dog. Let me lose the wild
going. Another hand streets. So day and night
in this way we go on. Shine stark.

Version 1
A dog with insulin had my hand
in the general world. The wild
neither this nor that said border more was bang
to sure also version. Listen
dog so it is, let me lose in the give
was I left. More what he wild was always
that it neither going with another hand
him streets. So. Day and night in
this open way we go on starker shine.

Original poem
Een hond met ijzeren ogen had mijn hand
in zijn mond genomen. Ik wilde
niet dat dit gebeurde maar was bang
te scheuren als ik mij verzette. Luister
hond, zei ik, laat me los en ik geef je
wat je verlangt. Maar wat hij wilde was alleen
dat ik niet verder ging en met mijn andere hand
hem streelde. Zo. Dagen en nachten in
zijn ogen zag wie van ons sterker scheen.