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Query Letter Help!

by  Zoe_

Posted: Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Word Count: 313
Summary: Hi everyone, this is query letter with an outline that I'm about to email to a couple of agents. If you could spare any thoughts on it, that'd be great! Thank you

I am looking for representation for my young adult novel, I AM NOT WEARING PINK a story about a horrible, pink bridesmaid dress, a hunky American stepbrother and a rock legend.

I AM NOT WEARING PINK is the story of thirteen year old Holly Stephenson who has a problem. In fact, she has several.

Her dad just got married and Holly’s new American step mum is from hell, but her gorgeous stepbrother is from heaven. Holly’s ex-boyfriend isn’t afraid of canoodling with his new girl right in front of her and more importantly, her boobs aren’t growing at all.

When she has to work in the Hospice shop for ripping her bridesmaids dress, Holly thinks the summer holidays are going to be the worst ever. But a chance encounter with Roxy Ellen, her all time favourite pop star, the absolute queen of rock, changes everything, and suddenly the summer holidays are giving Holly the best time of her life.

With encouragement from Roxy, Holly excitedly volunteers to arrange a charity concert, as a chance to impress her cool American stepbrother and ex-boyfriend. Everyone is depending on Holly and her special relationship with Roxy to make the concert a hit. Not to mention her strict Nan, who’s also on the charity committee, but as the concert organisation develops, things start to get out of control and very soon Holly is in deep trouble.

Apart from her two best mates, Holly’s on her own, and she might just be about to ruin her life - because apart from seeing Roxy Ellen the once, Holly’s invented a lot of things about the concert and unless something happens, everyone is about to find out that she's a fake.

I AM NOT WEARING PINK is a story about finding out your strengths and appreciating great friendship, as well as snogging, flirting and ways to get over being flat-chested.