My Amazing Afterlife (Tollund Man)
by Rai15
Posted: Friday, October 10, 2003 Word Count: 75 Summary: Tollund Man is somebody who was found very well preserved in a Tollund bog. He was found with a noose around his neck and it was evident he had been hung. He lived over 2000 years ago. |
As I lie in this earth
My lifetimes they pass by
I listen to the centuries collide
In my peaceful slumber
Some distant day since I swung
I felt air upon my skin again
Ripped from my bed
And taken far away
My examination sickens me
Though I feel so disturbed
I have heard them speak
For once those millenia ago
I hung for unspoken deeds
Now I am known, and finally
I am special.
My lifetimes they pass by
I listen to the centuries collide
In my peaceful slumber
Some distant day since I swung
I felt air upon my skin again
Ripped from my bed
And taken far away
My examination sickens me
Though I feel so disturbed
I have heard them speak
For once those millenia ago
I hung for unspoken deeds
Now I am known, and finally
I am special.