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by  Felmagre

Posted: Monday, September 15, 2003
Word Count: 164

Striped, ambling beasts,
seeking food, away from prying eyes.
Camouflaged, in black and white
against dogs and human hunters.
TB they say is spread by them
to cows and sheep,domesticated creatures.
As such, without too much research
they've ordered thousands culled.

The slaughter stopped for several months
because of foot and mouth
but now's resumed, this bloody cull
in forests deep and old.
As, ancient, hidden creatures,
unable to appeal,
are, unjustly executed;
for crimes which yet remain unproven.

What power, oh what blindness,
afflicts the ministry
that thousands of these beasts must die
just in case they spread TB
instead of making sure they're guilty
before, enforcing sentence.
Is this fair is this just,
this heartless course of action?

I fully understand now...
why Badgers are nocturnal
keeping out of sight of men
though even then, they are not safe.
Who'll speak, I wonder, for these beasts;
who'll plead their cause;
who'll stem the flowing of their blood;
who'll save their ancient line?