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by  The Walrus

Posted: Friday, September 12, 2003
Word Count: 126
Summary: First, very unflowery, draft.

We pretend we know
That this is not a dress rehearsal
But do we really?
Embrace the mundane
Choose to make it extraordinary?
Awash with colour, with vibrancy
Do we truly
Submit to the moment
Of Enchantment?
Can we sustain
Ride the pain?
With surrender
Embrace the pleasure
Without guilt, in-built?
Place the most precious
Take the leap
Freefall into the light
The want of zone comfort
The rigid box of beliefs
Facing the hidden terrors
Breaking the boundaries
Stepping, sure-footedly
Into the realm

What if? What if?
You have a precious gift
To lift,
With stakes high
And nothing to lose
The choice to fly
Where nothing matters
To escalate to
To resonate to
The place
The time
The space
Of One?