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by  apsara

Posted: 03 October 2006
Word Count: 102

When I move to a new place
I roll the name around my mouth,
under and over my tongue,
like a boiled sweet.
Fajara, Kathmandu, Bangkok.

Some places are hard as Brighton rock,
their names stamped through them,
they slice the edges of your tongue
if you lick them too long.
Khon Kaen, Trang, Leeds.

Others have a soft centre,
if you suck them hard enough.
They burst with flavour, suddenly,
when you least expect it.
Ratchaburi, Newhaven, Hove.

And some are marshmallows,
melting in your mouth before
you've even begun to enjoy them.
Delicious but almost too sweet.
Heidelberg, Kathmandu, Vientiane.