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Love Lies (Expresso)

by  Jubbly

Posted: Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Word Count: 184
Summary: Just an idea for the Starbucks theme.

Love Lies

Two girls are working behind the counter in Starbucks. One is plump and plain the other is extraordinarily beautiful. Her name is Martina, she cleans the coffee machine, lost in her own world. The other girl, Carly, nudges her.

See your admirer’s still here.

CARLY gestures to a scruffy looking man sat at one of the tables. He is drawing, on the table are half a dozen finished sketches, they are all well executed likenesses of MARTINA. MARTINA shrugs, embarrassed.

He’s weird, don’t you think?

Yep, deffo.

CARLY continues serving, MARTINA looks at the man, he looks up at her, their eyes lock and he seems phased and quickly looks down at his sketch. Blood trickles down his face as his nose bleeds, he tries to mop it up but droplets of blood land on the sketch. The sound of a cup smashing and scream alerts him to reality. MARTINA has cut her hand and wiped the blood over her face. The man quickly exits the café, leaving his drawing behind. MARTINA’S sketched face is now covered in blood.