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The Blue Haired Girl & The Smooth Coated Tiger

by  John G.Hall

Posted: Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Word Count: 135
Summary: Minded love
Related Works: But You Fly • 

The Blue Haired Girl & The Smooth Coated Tiger

You are carefully unfolded out from yourself
the blue haired girl with a sparkler for a tongue,

you are sprawled out beneath the full moon
the smooth coated Tiger with a roaring voice.

These are merely the two sides of the blue you
opened before me, but my magic is too weak
my skin too precious, I must close you up and

practice harder poetry, before I venture nearer
to your spirit's origami, in case my paper cuts
go too deeply into you, or friendship bled dry.

For once and for all the ways there are
I stand to care beyond my carefulness,

minds open and close but freed love stays fixed
the way a star sits in the centre of a Tiger's eye.

John G.Hall(C)2005