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How did i do it?

by  Ellenna

Posted: Saturday, July 26, 2003
Word Count: 753
Summary: an experiment..but a total getaway from poetry ...

I just nipped out for some cigs at the corner shop. It was early but running out was not a good feeling and anyway I was low on coffee. They were all I needed to keep me going. As I crossed the road I became aware of a tall figure striding towards me..oh no, I thought what the hell is she doing up so early. We converged at the shop door and I muttered hi. She gave me a look I could only interpret as " we have unfinished business and I am going to make you pay".. I slunk round the shop picking up things I didn't want in the hope she would get round first and disappear.
Never had I stared at a packet of ginger biscuits for so long.. a voice suddenly so close in my ear I thought it was in my head said, "Dan, what happened last night?" Last night? I nearly dropped the coffee jar, god I know I was pissed WHAT did happen? I grappled with a tenner and almost forgot the change "look I 've gotta run but I will catch you later. Tell you what come round in an hour for a coffee" and I gave her one of my " devastating" smiles which was hard without a coffee surge first and kissed her somewhere near her ear...phew did that work? a sense of smugness as I jogged back to the flat..I paused momentarily before leaping three steps at a time up the staircase and then as I opened the door I gulped.. now how the hell was I going to get Lizzie out of here........

I went to the kitchen and pressed the kettle on.. I hoped there was enough water in it, too much of a drag having to disconnect and fill up, and then I went into the bathroom and stuck my tongue out at the mirror..oh christ!. I swilled my mouth out with some toothpaste and went back into the kitchen. I made two mugs of coffee and taking a deep breath lunged into the bedroom " I made you a coffee Lizzie.. but I have to get somewhere luv and so... " Since when?" came the answer back like a ricochet. "Err I forgot.. any.....way you better get going sweetie I got loads to get sorted"....

She lifted her tousled head and squinted at me" You are cruel you know chucking me out like this".. I sat down on the bed next to her and in the most sympathetic voice I could muster stroked her hair and said " Hey , I'm sorry , you know you're the best, it was great" and as i kissed the top of her head I took a look at my watch and thought "Shit she will be here in a minute"

I tried to be as patient as i could as we drank our coffee with her prattling on .. all the time thinking "quick, hurry... UP!!.At last she threw the duvet back and said " Can i shower first then?" " yes ,yes sure go on but be quick sweetheart I've got to get a move on "
How long does it take for a woman to shower , for gods sake?

I smoked at least two ciggies while she was in there .. then finally out she came " Can you give me a lift?"

"Err no sweetie I cant , I am being picked up by Dave .. look I will get you a cab" my finger punched in the number I knew so well " 5 mins you say .. ok thanks .. got it flat 7."

I gave her a hug and tried to look in her eyes, though my hangover was beginning to get the better of me. She was a swirling mass of eyes and hair. I somehow managed to convince her, i couldn't live without her all day and pushed her out into the cab.

Just as I fell back on the sofa reaching for another ciggie the bell went...uh oh.. I got up exhaling a stream of smoke as I opened the door ..." darling, come in let me explain ..god you look gorgeous sorry about this morning.. I just needed coffee and a ciggie know how it is.. anyway come and sit down and lets talk..I said I buried my face in her neck. How did I do it? I really dont know ,but practice makes perfect they say